Looking Back on Masters & Angels 2019

Inspidea recently had wrapped up another month of Masters & Angels. Just like before, we wanted to create an awareness of appreciation wrapped with the sense of wonder and mischief of the game. For some Inspideans, playing the game is a new experience.

For animator Kimberly, the willingness and enthusiasm from Inspideans to play the game for a whole month was what surprised her. “Since this is the first time I participated in an event like this, I did not expected to receive such nice things from a stranger,” said Raja Nus Aisyah, an animator. For BG artist Gloria, her surprise was that her master was CJ, Inspidea’s Marketing & Sales Director, himself.

Xiao Ying, the recruiter from People Department, learned that sharing and giving regardless of who were her master and angel, or what they did, were the lessons learned from the game. Game developer Pangestu said that, “I have learned how to hide in plain sight.”

Pangestu added that he had to think creatively so that his gifts were different from the others. Raja Nur Aisyah didn’t make creative choices in her gifts but seeing others’ gifts taught her new, funny ways to make gifts in the future. Ainy from BG Department noted that, “it was fun to see how much stuff you can shove into a single brown envelope.”

Based on these responses, it sounds like this game will be played again in the future.