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We love cartoons.
That’s why we got into this animation business.
It’s completely illogical.
But after all these years, we’re still here and we are going strong.
We must have done something right, right?


Our studio is modest. But big. Bigger than some of our partners. Did we know we were going to be this big? No. It just happened.

We call it Inspideapolis.


Inside, our artists and support staff have decorated their spaces however they like. So most of them have plenty of action figures and toys on their desks, monitors and PCs. Everybody has their own sandboxes and sometimes they get excited about other people's toys. This is completely normal.


We also have cats. More than two.

Our Studio


Before Inspidea, there is no Inspideans. As in, there is no such word as “Inspidean”. Our artists and support staff came up with it somehow a long time ago. That just means we not just work together, we have fun together and we are proud to be colleagues

and friends with each other.


These are some of our pix. Don’t we look adorable?

Our Community
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